All events are at Local from 7:00-9:30 unless otherwise specified.
July 3 - Taco Fiesta PartyWe're kicking off summer with a Fiesta! We'll have a taco buffet, slushie drinks, a pinata and a photo booth along with games and activities.
July 10 - Wet and Rainbow Paint FightPaint wars! Try to wear light colours for a cool tie-dyed shirt/keepsake. We'll also be playing paint twister and paint slip and slide. The Paint may stain clothing.
July 17 - SurvivorUse strategy to complete challenges, earn immunity idols and survive tribal council.
July 24 - movie nightWe'll be watching a movie as a group. We'll provide snacks and drinks!
July 31 - campFire in VOYAGEUR Secret ParkA good old fashioned campfire with friends down in Voyageur Park in The Secret Park (we'll have signs up). Expect snacks, sing-alongs, stories, outdoor games and a woodland walk. Wear bug spray, bring a chair and dress for the weather.